Rare earth magnesium cored wire

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Feeding spheroidizing of rare earth magnesium cored wire is a new spheroidizing process of ductile iron in recent years. This process has been quickly used in the production industry of water-cooled metal ductile iron pipes and in the fields of sand mold, lost foam, hot mold ductile casting, etc., and it has been popularized very quickly. This spheroidization process has been widely promoted and applied in the ductile iron industry.
The spheroidizing method is to put the spheroidizing agent at the bottom of the bag, and the molten iron is melted by the temperature of the molten iron when the iron is tapped to spheroidize the molten iron. Generally, the magnesium content is 7-9%, and it will take up the ball The decay time is 2-3 minutes, and the spheroidization is also a cooling process. The tapping temperature should be increased by 50-100 °C. Due to the long-term high-temperature tapping, it not only increases the power consumption, but also reduces the service life of the furnace lining.
The "rare earth magnesium cored wire" is used to feed the spheroidization, which is to wrap the high magnesium spheroidized powder with a steel belt, process it into a linear shape, and then coil it for use. It is called "rare earth magnesium cored wire", and the magnesium content is 29-30%. When spheroidizing, the "rare earth magnesium cored wire" is directly inserted into the raw molten iron with the adjusted composition in the spheroidizing bag by the wire feeding machine, and the spheroidizing reaction is carried out, which is called feeding wire spheroidization. This kind of spheroidization of wire feeding is because the wire feeding machine is continuously feeding wire, and the molten iron is boiling due to the combustion and reaction of magnesium in the molten iron, which will not cause a large cooling of the molten iron. Due to the boiling of molten iron, it is conducive to degassing, slag removal, sulfide removal, and uniform spheroidization, which can improve the product qualification by 5-10%, or even higher. The absorption rate of core spheroidized powder can reach more than 95%. Since the chemical composition of the core material spheroidizing powder contains more than 2% rare earth (Re) composition, it can further de-slag and purify the molten iron. Calcium (Ca) and barium (Ba) in the composition can promote the formation of graphite balls in molten iron, and can also remove sulfur (S) and other gases in molten iron prior to magnesium (Mg), effectively prolonging the time. The time of spheroidization decline reduces the occurrence of bad spheroidization castings in the product.
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